Friday, January 30, 2009
Forgetting to mention about not blogging.
Again, procrastination must have set into my entire nervous system. Da blog has been sitting untouch for eons (It's the LAZY traits you see...). On the other hand, it must be just me forgetting to blog. I must have entirely forgotten the existence of this blog. Rather, I think I really did. Haha.
Seriously, I must have been frying my brain cells pretty much this week. It feels so shut off... literally, it feels like my brain's been lagging or something.
Enuff said of my nonsense....
Monday, January 12, 2009
Departure. The Best Solution? Starting afresh the better alternative
So I reckon, leaving the scene might have the best solution to peace, quiet and serenity. Somehow, it feels really good to be starting afresh :) Somehow, everything has fall into place. I just hope for the best in the future.